With the colder weathers upon us, my ultimate staple for for these seasons is a sweater. But I constantly see people wear sweater in the same way, which agitates me more than anything! How can we dress up a sweater? What are the different ways we can change up our looks? And the answer to your classic winter outfit is... *drumroll* accessories!
Korean fashion mets classy chic

Korean fashion mets classy chic
Now we can imagine Korean fashion or even any type of Asian fashion as cute, adorable, animated. However in this look I decided to mix the cuteness of Asian fashion with the classy look that may be preferred in the western society. This look is also a great transition from summer to autumn. The soft pastels are kept from the summer and spring in the cozy floral ( and even more awesomely 3D flowers!) sweater. In contrast the hard ebony leather shorts and ankle boots bring in some of the autumn fashion. Since we are playing with shorts I thought we should add some warmth with the blouse underneath and snow white ( trending fall and winter color) blazer. A perfectly cute outfit to express your longing for summer if you are like me, a summer gal, or this can be a transition outfit in warmer regions.
Classy and Cozy
After mixing Eastern and Western fashion I think it would be only fair to dominate an outfit for the sophisticated looks from the western hemisphere. A cream white swather pair with lace shorts is the definition of maturity in coziness! Since the weather in the west varies widely from the humid Houston the freezing New York, a pair of black tights and knee high boots is the answer to maintaining warmth. And last but not least what scream more classiness than the Classic Chanel Flip bag and a gold Michael Kors watch?
Another Lazy Day
A cozy sweater, ripped skinnys and lace backpack. The timeless school fashion. It is simple and cute. This outfit can be changed up with a different style of sweater and jeans. To further glam up this simple and sometimes boring outfit accessories are the key. I focused on cool and indicate rings, necklaces, and earrings. And an we just stop for a sec and admire how amazingly cool that necklace looks!!! Finally being a total Jeffery Campbell junkie I had to include a pair of his leather cutout boots!
Glam School Dayz
Overalls are reappearing on the streets and the runways, and this outfit is a great way to wear them during the colder seasons. The overalls featured here is dark washed with the american flag printed on the bottom and paired with a grey arms cutout swather simply creates an almost flat and plain canvas for the accessories. The jewlerys used are all gold toned: stud earrings, quadruple chained bib necklace, and Chanel charm bracelet. Finally, my favorite part of this outfit, the neon yellow sneakers. This look screams youth and fun.